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Saturday, 9 October 2021

Computer Security Tips: Blocking, Viruses, Malware – 2021

Computer Security Tips: Blocking, Viruses, Malware – 2021


      Good computer security can seem like a daunting task(seeming difficult to deal with in prospect) Fortunately, you can have good security measures in a very short time by following a few simple steps outlined below.

1)    Use antivirus software and keep it up to dateCheck for new definition updates daily. Most antivirus software can be configured to do this automatically.

2)    best antivirus software

3)    best spyware scanner

 2) Install security patches .

 Vulnerabilities in our software are constantly being discovered and we do not discriminate by vendor or platform. It's not just a Windows update issue. At least monthly, check for and apply updates to all the software you use.

  • For Windows updates, visit the Microsoft Update Catalog.
  • For all other updates, use Secunia Software Inspector.

3) Use a firewall.

 Without an internet connection, your internet connection is not secure. There are moments when computers without firewalls are infected.  Operating systems come with a built-in firewall.

  4)  Beware of sharing too much information      

       Also, beware of sharing too much information on social media. For example, why do you have to provide your mother's maiden name or address? Identity thieves and other criminals use social media accounts to access information.

5) Control your email. 

            Do not open email attachments that you suddenly receive, no matter who the email attachment is from. Most worms and Trojan spams try to spoof spam. And be careful not to infect your email client. Reading e-mail in plain text provides a significant security advantage over offsetting the loss of important color.

  • Why plain (text) is better
  • Email Security Methods

6) Treat IM suspiciously. 

        Instant messaging is a target for worms and Trojans. Treat it like e-mail.

  • Tips for Messenger Safety


7) Use strong passwords. 

          Use a variety of letters, numbers, and special characters. The longer and more complex, the better. Use a different password for each account. Use two-factor authentication if your account supports it. Of course, managing all your passwords can be complicated, so consider using a password manager application. This type of app often acts as a browser plugin that monitors password entry and stores credentials for each account. All you really need to memorize is a single password for the admin program.

8) Stay tuned. Internet fraud.

           Criminals think of clever ways to separate you from your hard-earned cash. Don't be fooled by sad emails, unsolicited job advertisements or promising lottery wins. Likewise, beware of emails masquerading as security concerns for your bank or other e-commerce sites.

9) Avoid becoming a victim of virus scams. 

           Emails that spread fear, uncertainty, and doubts about non-existent threats only serve to spread unnecessary alerts, and may even delete perfectly legitimate files in response.

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